
Easily View And Manage Adobe CS4 Shortcuts With Adobe Shortcut App


Can’t remember your shortcuts? No worries. Introducing the Adobe Shortcut App, an amazing new tool from Adobe that lets you find and gather the shortcuts you need on your desktop. So they’re right where you need them, when you need them, allowing you to create your masterpieces with ease.

The Adobe Shortcut App is a free rich Internet application that gives you easy access to keyboard shortcuts in twelve programs that are in Creative Suite 4:

* Acrobat
* After Effects
* Contribute
* Dreamweaver
* Encore
* Fireworks
* Flash
* Illustrator
* InDesign
* Photoshop
* Premiere
* Soundbooth

When you first click on an application's icon, you'll see an "Essentials" screen with commonly needed shortcuts. There's also an "All Categories" tab that include the essential shortcuts and many others. You can search the shortcuts, and mark the ones you need frequently as favorites. There's also a cheat sheet in PDF form for each program.


Propellerhead Reason 4 Key Shortcuts/Commands

General Commands

Key Function
Ctrl + N New Song
Ctrl + O Open Song
Ctrl + S Save Song
Shift + Ctrl + S Save Song As
Ctrl + W Close Song
Ctrl + Q Quit
Tab Toggle Rack Front/Rear
Ctrl + Z Undo
Ctrl + Y Redo
Ctrl + Del Delete Devices Without Warning
Ctrl + A Select All
Ctrl + I Create Instrument
Ctrl + F Create Effect
L Show/Hide Cables
Insert Insert Instrument
Ctrl + X Cut
Ctrl + C Copy
Ctrl + V Paste

Sequencer Commands

Key Function
Ctrl + K Quantize
Ctrl + D Duplicate Track & Device
Ctrl + J Join Clips
Ctrl + R Merge Note Lanes On Track
M Mute/Unmute Clips
S Snap On/Off

Playback Commands

Key Fuction
Number Pad - 0 Stop Go To Start Position
Number Pad – Enter Play
Number Pad – * Record
Number Pad – 4 Rewind
Number Pad – 5 Fast Forward
Number Pad – 1 Go To Loop Start
Number Pad – 2 Go To Loop End
Number Pad – 8 Go To Next Bar
Number Pad – 7 Go To Previous Bar
Number Pad – + Tempo Up
Number Pad - - Tempo Down
Spacebar Pause/Play
C Toggle Metronome Click On/Off
Number Pad – / Loop On/Off


How To Active Administrator Account In Windows

  1. Logon to Windows using your normal username and password.
  2. Click on the Start button
  3. Click on Start Search. 
  4. Type, cmd. 
  5. Right-click cmd, select 'Run as administrator' from the shortcut menu.
  6. Net user administrator passw0rd (Replace password with the actual password string that you have chosen. Press enter the command completed successfully will be displayed.)
  7. Net user administrator /active:yes (Press enter the command completed successfully will be displayed.)
  8. Switch User, or logoff
  9. Logon as Administrator and new Password  (Your password may be different!)